How to Write High-Converting Pinterest Pin Descriptions?

pinterest social media Feb 25, 2022

Pinterest is filled with millions of pins, websites and users. That said, it’s crucial to optimize your profile to get engagement and ensure you have the most optimum traffic. And it all starts with your pin description. You might be wondering... how do you write the best possible description for your pin?


How to Write High-Converting Pinterest Pin Descriptions? 


Start by writing your pin description in the form of a clear and precise sentence. Add a few keywords in the most natural way possible. Then at the end of the sentence, add at least 3 to 5 hashtags. Hashtags are helpful for mobile users so take advantage of this.


How to Find the Best Keywords for your Pin Descriptions? 

Pinterest is designed as a Search Engine. However, the algorithm behind Pinterest isn’t identical to that of Google. Therefore, you will have to use Pinterest to find the right keywords for your description.


The Best Ways to Search for Keywords on Pinterest:


1.     Use the Search Bar: 

This method is a bit time-consuming but completely worth it in the end. Most of the time will be spent piecing the right keywords together. For instance, I write a lot of digital marketing content, so the search bar helps find the right hashtags I can add to my pin descriptions. Typically, the bubbles at the top provide you with additional keywords to add to your description.


2.     Use the Trends Tool

Have you ever checked out Pinterest’s Trend tool? Pinterest has its own trends tool that you can use to search for the appropriate keywords or topics. It works wonders, especially if you are looking for keywords and new content ideas.


3.     Using the Pinterest Ads tool

You don’t have to use the ads campaign for marketing. This tool can also be used for finding keywords. Generally, when you enter a search term or keywords, Pinterest will give you data on how many searches that term gets in a month. This can be an extremely useful indicator when choosing the keywords for your pin.


Perfect Pin Description Example

The pandemic has taught the lot of us that working from home is not (just) a side hustle. When done properly, it can easily serve as your main source of income. With the best tips and tricks, you can take your work-from-home business to the next level. More importantly, you’ll also enjoy working at home and staying close to your family. Keep yourself motivated and continue learning! #timemanagement #Workathome #workfromhome #WFH #workfromhometips

Additional keywords: Work from home tips, productivity tips, and tricks, productivity time management, work at home tips, becoming more productive.


Before you go

Writing the best pin description to get your content in front of as many people as possible isn’t difficult. And once you get the hang of it, your traffic will improve. Remember, each description is an opportunity to get your pin noticed and ranked.

Therefore, you’ll have to put a little thought into it. Couple that with a well-designed artwork, and you’ll soon be at the top of your industry. If you are at the beginning of your Pinterest journey, go and check out these helpful articles about Beginners Guide To Nail Your Pinterest Strategy With Tailwind or Grow Your Pinterest Traffic Fast By Doing These 10 Things