How to Start Earning Money Fast with Affiliate Marketing

affiliate marketing canva kajabi tailwind Jan 27, 2022
Affiliate marketing how-to

It is possible to earn a significant income through affiliate marketing, but the secret to success is being patient and showing up with consistent content.
When I started affiliate marketing, I did not earn money in the first couple of months. I can't say I wasn't disappointed because I was. When you see online others making money and how easy they make it look to get started with affiliate marketing, and when you show up, nothing happens...

I am not saying it is impossible to start earning fast, I am sure many people had lucky breaks, but I wasn't one of them. I actually had to put in the work, learn and adjust my strategy until I saw a steady and significantly growing income from affiliate marketing.

And I have to say, the work you put in will be completely worth it because the beauty of affiliate marketing is that once you have a solid system and smart content strategy, it is earning money for you - even when you sleep. How cool is that!?!


 How to Start Earning Money Fast with Affiliate Marketing 


Let me share the tricks and tips about how you should proceed with content creation and strategy to get the most out of your affiliate marketing efforts.


What Type of Content Should you Create as an Affiliate Marketer?

Commit to creating content for your niche and topics you are confident talking about. Create blog posts, use video and images in your blog or website, and always link these pieces of content back to the brands you are in an affiliate relationship with. Whatever you do, it has to provide value to your target audience. Finding the content that converts will require some research, testing and analysis.


How to Find Brands that Offer Affiliate Programs?

There are a few ways to do that; first of all, you can always check out the brand's website directly. They will often have some information in their footer about their affiliate programs. Just click the affiliate program's link, and it will take you to a separate landing page where you can find out more about the details. Some brands accept you right away, while others require you to apply. In these instances, the application process may take longer while they check your details and ensure you are a good fit for their brand. The process may check your website for overall look and content and check your web traffic. They can also inspect the social media channels you use and see your engagement and your number of followers.


How to Get Started with Content Creation?

This is the most critical step because without having quality content where you can share your affiliate links, people won't click, and you won't make money. You need to deliver content that your readers and visitors find helpful. You can't be salesy because if all you try to do is sell, people won't trust you. Come up with ideas to create various types of content such as beginners guides and how-to do's, in-depth reviews, solving specific problems or offering one easy solution. Try to include affiliate links in your articles, images, and videos without looking spammy. You should not come across as someone who is all about selling.


Why Do you Need a Solid SEO to Make Affiliate Marketing Work?

This is easy! When you have more traffic to your website, the chances of someone clicking on your links is exponentially higher. There are various ways to improve your SEO, such as using keywords, building backlinks and promoting your content on social media such as Pinterest or Instagram.


Here Are Some Great Ways to Promote your Affiliate Links: 


1. Grow your email list

Building an email list is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your affiliate links. Why? Because all the people who want to hear from you more and sign up to your email list will be more likely to click on your affiliate links, especially when you create valuable and helpful content. 


2. Use affiliate banners

Add affiliate banners to your older blog posts where your affiliate brands and the links may provide some added benefit. For example, I am part of the Canva affiliate program. When I talk about how to create content for social media and design nice graphics easily and without design skills, I always talk about Canva Pro and how much it helps me regularly. 


3. Tutorials and How-to's

Tutorials provide an excellent opportunity to help people solve a problem while also achieving a small goal. The more tutorials and How-to do's you do, the more likely your followers and readers will return to your blog or social media channel for more. Once you help them with something, the next time they need help, they will check back to see if you've created something about that topic. 


4. Tools and Resources page

Create a whole page on your website where you share your favourite tools and platforms you work with. Of course, it has to be relevant to your niche, but once you list your favourite products and affiliate brands, you can always link back to this page in blog posts, newsletters and on social media. 


5. Email newsletters

Email marketing is a great option for affiliate marketing because you can include affiliate links anywhere in your newsletters – as long as your main goal is to provide value to your readers first. At the same time, you get to promote your affiliate products, and there is a good chance that some of your readers will be interested. 


6. Product reviews

Product reviews are one of the best affiliate marketing tools because people trust recommendations from other customers. Of course, the most effective way is to write product reviews in your niche because all the content you have already shared adds to your credibility.

For example, as a digital marketer, I talk about tools and platforms that make my work easier, faster and more productive. Because I talk about digital marketing all the time, my followers and readers trust me to share high-quality content related to this niche. If suddenly I start talking about the best ways of getting rich with bitcoin, you might wonder how much I really know about these topics.

Here is a good example, of how I use affiliate links in my content: I love Canva, and I've created an article bout The Difference Between Canva And Canva Pro. It is relevant, I talk about a tool that I use daily and by sharing my review on the benefits of Canva Pro, my readers get a better understanding of whether they may need it or not. 



Affiliate Disclosure

It is one small but very important step, that you have to disclose your affiliate work in your content. This means that your readers very clearly know that you are earning a small commission ( at no extra cost to them) when clicking on your links. An example of an affiliate disclosure text can be something like what I use: "This post contains affiliate links. When using these links to buy a product, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products that we love and regularly use."

If you're looking for ways to earn money online, affiliate marketing is a fantastic solution. It is easy and free to get started and even new bloggers can start earning affiliate commissions fairly quickly. You don't need to have any technical skills or knowledge and you will learn as you go. If you are looking to learn more about affiliate marketing, go and check out The Beginners' Guide to Affiliate Marketing.


This post contains affiliate links. When using these links to buy a product, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products that we love and regularly use.