Are you Positioning Yourself as an Expert?

business Dec 11, 2022
Are you an Expert?

 I often hear my clients saying this: "I want to teach this, but I am not an expert. I just learned how to do it, and it works really well, but I don't think people will listen to me or pay me for this."  


WRONG!!! My friend, let me tell you that most people are not looking for an "expert" with an Ivy League degree and long years of corporate experience to tell them how to solve most of their problems. They are looking for someone who has been there and had similar, or exactly the same problems and figured them out.  


Are you Positioning Yourself as an Expert?


Essentially we are not looking for experts. We are looking for solutions! However, having said this, there are some ways you can strengthen your (online) credibility and build your authority. Let me share with you some pretty helpful tips: 


 #1. Make Time to Grow

Educate yourself continuously; read books, listen to audiobooks and podcasts, and take courses. There are many great options, from spending just a couple of dollars to big investments. Choose what works for you. Choose what gives you value. Just learn and schedule a time to do it. (literally...put it in your calendar and tick it off your to-do list). While you learn, you gain more clarity and remember, with clarity, confidence comes hand-in-hand. 


 #2 Define your "Thing"

Get crystal clear on the value you create and who you are talking to. Infuse this clarity into everything you do so that your ideal customers will hear you.

For example, my "Thing" is helping service-based business owners build and grow their online business without hustle. I help create clarity and strategy that empowers women to have the flexibility and financial independence they dream about. Without hustle! Without TikTok dancing. Without time-consuming "filler" activities. 

You have to be just one step ahead of your target audience. And that one step actually means you are closer to where they are at that moment. You understand how they feel, and you can relate to what they are going through. If you are at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey and you are feeling lost, overworked, overwhelmed and without the results you you dream about, I recommend you to check out St The Ultimate Digital Business Foundation Framework A Step-by-Step Strategy to build a thriving online business from zero & create a solid foundation for your service-based online business. 



 #3 Find your Tribe

Entrepreneurship (hello, solopreneurship...) can be a lonely business. While it can be extremely rewarding to WFH, cats and dogs don't often prove to be the best business coaches. (At least mine aren't). Find communities and connect with like-minded people so you can share your thoughts, find motivation and inspiration. 


 #4 Create Content Around your Expertise

Talk about what you do and how you do it. Share your testimonials, and constantly provide value to your audience. The more you help others, the more visibility you will gain in your network. 


 Now it is your turn!

Grab a piece of paper or your favorite online organizer and set aside some time for some deep thinking! Run through this simple but powerful exercise to get clarity about what you have to offer to your audience: 

  • Define what your "Thing" is
  • What value do you offer to your audience? 
  • What is it that you do? How do you do it differently from others? 
  • What courses are you taking? Podcasts you listen to? Books you read (or listen to)? How do you educate and improve yourself? 

If you are struggling to answer one or more of these questions, the more reason to dig deep. Take your time if you need to, do some research and look around in your niche. This might requires a few days or even weeks or so but believe me, it will be so worth it. 


Feel free to connect and share your findings with me. I am just a click away if you need some problem-solving in your business. 

I am working on serving my community with the best content and value, and I always love to listen. Hit a reply and let me know if there are any specific topics or questions you want me to talk about in the future.

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