How To Start Creating And Selling Digital Products

digital product passive income Mar 04, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of online income opportunities, the rise of digital products has opened countless doors. However, diving into creating and selling digital products poses some challenges, particularly in comparison to tangible goods. The core obstacles? Understanding what sells and what doesn't and how and where to promote your products to make them a success. 

Before you feel overwhelmed, let me assure you that many bloggers, content creators, and online entrepreneurs thrive on selling digital products. The key? Having the right mix: product, price, place, and promotions. Join me as we explore how you can craft and successfully sell your first digital product.  


Start Creating And Selling Digital Products 


Before you get started, it is super important that you understand how digital products work:

These offerings contain actionable information thoughtfully presented for easy consumption. From online courses, masterclasses, and ebooks to templates, printables, quizzes, and more, digital products span various formats like PDFs, videos, or Canva templates. Still, they can be just a simple Excel sheet or a Word document.  




How to Choose Your Digital Product:

Your digital product journey should begin with a choice aligned with simplicity and quick production. For instance, start with a printable checklist or basic Canva templates. This not only streamlines the learning process but also helps you to get familiar with presenting a product and assigning a value to it. With each creation, decision-making becomes more intuitive, and understanding your audience deepens.


Overcoming Common Fears:

Selling digital products can stir some anxiety. The fear of launching your product into the online space, concerns about design quality, pricing uncertainties, and the pursuit of perfection are hurdles many encounter. The best you can do is be honest and conscious about what may go wrong. Acknowledge that the digital product landscape welcomes varied levels of design expertise, pricing requires a focus on value, and perfection is a journey, not a starting point. Don't try to compare yourself to others, and you also need to remember that the beginning of your journey will not look like someone else's who's been in the business for years. This doesn't mean you should not start at all, but rather the opposite. It is a great sign when others are competing in your niche because it implies a need for what you will offer. You need to find an angle unique to you, and your product will be a winner. I always say to my clients that perfection is not the key here. If they know how to do one thing in their niche at least 10% better than others or can offer a quick solution to a major problem people may face in their target market, it is a clear win-win for everyone. 


 How to Make Sure a Digital Product Sells

The fundamental question lingers: how do you ensure your digital product sells well in the market? The answer lies in providing a clear solution, actionable content, and genuine value to your audience. Dive into Facebook groups relevant to your niche, find specific and important pain points your audience struggles with, and tailor your product to address those needs. Understanding your product's role and purpose in others' lives is the test for its viability.


Where to Sell a Digital Product

You have options... If you want the 100% profit to reach your bank account, your website or blog is the best place to start. I use and adore Kajabi, and this platform offers everything you may need to host and sell your digital products. Building trust with your audience is crucial, and it takes time, but thanks to social media, you can build your community as fast as you put time into it. Alternatively, if starting independently seems daunting, platforms like Etsy, Gumroad, SendOwl, and SellFy, just to name a few, offer marketplaces where you can host your digital products and receive more support. However, all these platforms cost money, and you end up with less revenue and various regulations you must adhere to. 


Crafting Your Digital Product Step-By-Step

  1. Research Your Target Audience and Identify a Problem: Explore Facebook groups, engage in conversations, and identify pain points.
  2. Plan and Research: Use resources like Google, Pinterest, and YouTube to gather insights on the problem you aim to solve.
  3. Decide Delivery Method and Pricing: Choose how you'll deliver your product and determine its price. Consider platforms like Etsy, Gumroad, or your website and blog.
  4. Select a Design Program: Opt for user-friendly tools like Canva for designing your product.
  5. Publish and Promote: Whether on Etsy, your blog, or another platform, create a listing and promote your product through various channels.


Bonus Tips for Your Digital Product Journey:


  • Pricing Precision: Find a balance that reflects the value you offer without undervaluing your work. Do your research to understand what is out there and how much it costs. 
  • Build Trust: Let your audience get to know you through value-packed content, photos, social media channels, or a compelling about section.
  • Transparency is Key: Provide detailed information about your product, including file format, size, bonuses, and screenshots. The more you share, the easier it is for them to make that decision and start typing in their credit card details.   
  • Focus on Purpose Over Design: While aesthetics matter, your digital product's primary focus should be on solving problems and delivering value. Remember this and keep the focus on the purpose instead of creating a pretty little something nobody wants to buy. 
  • Get it Done, Get it Out There: Combat the perfectionist's fear by remembering: "Done is better than perfect." You can refine and improve later.
  • Promote Strategically: Leverage channels like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more to maximize visibility. You don't have to be everywhere but must stay consistent wherever you choose to be visible. 


All in all, creating and selling digital products is exciting and rewarding. It offers plenty of opportunities for creators of all backgrounds. I can't tell you how amazing it feels when you go out for lunch with a friend, and while you are having a good time, the payment notifications keep popping up. You are making money while listening to your friend talk about her trip to a yoga retreat last week. It really feels aaamazing!

Before starting this journey, remember that each product is a step toward honing your craft. Stay authentic, address your audience's needs, and enjoy the process. 


Ready to start with your first digital product and your journey to passive income? Download our Free Guide Now and explore 120+ beginner-friendly digital product ideas you can start today. 

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